Posted by: Sunnie | November 10, 2008

web 2.0 and the enterprise

so i’m listening to this panel of corporate old-schoolers basically talking about how web 2.0 doesn’t have a place in the large business environment. what makes me so mad is that they think about this concept as just facebook and myspace. they all talk about how things need to be closed and shouldn’t be shared and how hierarchy is needed.

they miss the whole point about collaboration, sharing, and making things transparent. they have yet to embrace the reality that there could be a different business culture that is not about power and hierarchy, but about a shared vision and purpose.

not to be an age-ist because i know a lot of really innovative and seriously cool older people, but is it surprising that they’re all old? no. is it surprising that all the old people in the audience are nodding their heads in agreement with them? no. is it surprising that the young people are standing up to question the lack of thinking outside the corporate box? no.

lave and wenger’s idea of displacement -continuity contradiction is so coming into play here. these old-timers are feeling threatened by the newcomers who come in and want to bring about change. however it is only through change that the practice or the company will be able to stay relevant and in existance.

so far, beside the keynote speaker, i have been pretty unimpressed with this conference thus far. hopefully it will get better in the next two days.


  1. I hope I’m one of those “seriously cool older people” – lol! But I have agree with you while I disagree with you…ah, I love ambiguity!

    I think its a great idea the these humongous firms are at least trying to adopt social networking…even if it is just the “facebooks” of the web 2.0 offerings. I hear the “gotta protect the fort” ranting by the lawyers being balanced with the “open the kimono” zealots.

    So, picking up my slightly cracked crystal ball, I foresee a day when your social-self lies on both sides of the corporate fire-wall, where you can choose what gets “exposed” inside the firm our outside to the whole world. I dream of a day when my favorite tool is easily accessible from any place, and my “worlds” can both merge and collide with a purpose.

    OK…sorry. This “old person” is going back to his prune juice now.

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